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Wednesday, May 14, 2014

I've tabled this for some time, starting a blog...

It's fluctuated between the back of my mind and the forefront of my writing brain...having a place to spew random thoughts as they eat away at my mind. 

While writing has, and always will, be one of my most creative and emotionally cleansing outlets, it's been reserved for inner monologues, protected written projects, and random ramblings in a variety of forums.

I've finally decided...the time has open the flood gates and let the spewage begin. The topics I tackle here will be a product of the random, chaotic thoughts, topics, issues, and concerns constantly bouncing around my brain like emotionally-charged superballs, sometimes gaining momentum and trajectory and, at other times, falling flat on the ground to roll around without so much as a purpose or destination. 

So tread where you will. Leave your thoughts as you wish. Engage where you are driven. Or just cruise on by if your interest wanes or is lacking. 

This is an experiment and a project in self preservation more than a platform or a stage to entertain the masses so I understand my greatest audience may, oftentimes, only be my own future self...but even that can prove a teaching tool for the me I will encounter further down the road.

so... with that the infamous words of my beloved Mr. Ledger....

1 comment:

  1. Love!! I'm so grateful you're doing this and so thankful I've found it! I love you so much and your writing makes a difference.
